Bombas a medida EVERLAST™ Series 1000 with Relay Logic Controls & Tip-Up Hood EVERLAST™ Serie 1000 €0.00 Series 1000 Packaged Station Hinged One-Piece Enclosure 3/8" (9.5 mm) Baseplate Relay Logic Controls Flows Up to 1,300 GPM (82 lps) TDH Up to 158' (48 m) Power 1.5 - 50 Hp (1.1 - 37 kW) Pumps 4" - 6" (100 - 150 mm) Add to cart
Bombas a medida Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion Treatment Plant Capacity Expansion €0.00 Add to cart
Bombas a medida Model R OXIGEST Rebuild Model R OXIGEST Rebuild €0.00 Flows 0.1 MGD - 5 MGD (380 cmd - 18,925 cmd ) per unit Models Field-Erected Design Multiple treatment processes and options Add to cart
Bombas a medida TITAN MBR MEM-FRAME™ Membrane Bio Reactor Retrofit TITAN MBR MEM-FRAME €0.00 Best-Available Technology for new treatment plants Superior effluent quality / potential for water reuse Achieve complete nitrification Gravity flow eliminates need for permeate vacuum pumps No recycle between aeration and membrane zones S&L offers significant process experience Add to cart
Bombas a medida TITAN MEM-BOX™ Membrane Bio Reactor Retrofit TITAN MEM-BOX €0.00 Engineered and pre-assembled in S&L’s quality-controlled factory Compact design allows insertion into any aeration basin, concrete or steel Exclusive, S&L V-Crimp tankage coated with VERSAPOX® epoxy coating Contains robust, flate-plate TITAN MBR™ Membranes Maintains high permeability and consistent flux Clean in place without plant... Add to cart
Bombas a medida LOOP Brush Aerator LOOP Brush Aerator €0.00 Flow Small & Large Models Submergence 5" - 14" (12 cm - 37 cm) Sizing 42" diameter (1066.8 mm), Lengths up to 30' (9.1 m) Blade Lengths 4' - 30' (1.2 - 9.1 m) Horsepower 3 - 50 HP (2.2 - 37 kW) Add to cart
Bombas a medida Model R OXIGEST® Wastewater Treatment System Model R OXIGEST €0.00 Flexible application for nearly any kind of sanitary and process wastewater flow Adaptable for large capacities and high strength wastes Concentric tankage minimizes footprint while reducing/eliminating ancillary yard piping and pumping Flexible clarifier design; Both half-bridge and full-bridge designs available Ease of shipping: Special shipment design... Add to cart
Bombas a medida S&L Modular FAST® Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment System S&L Modular FAST €0.00 • High-quality effluent extends leach field life. • May reduce leach field size requirements. • Handles wide flow variations. Fixed-film FAST® media prevents biomass washout. • Aesthetically pleasing design allows the system to be completely below grade, if desired. • Less expensive than standard pre-fabricated package treatment systems. • The system... Add to cart
Bombas a medida Packaged TITAN MBR™ QUBE™ Membrane Bioreactor Packaged TITAN MBR™ QUBE €0.00 Screen S&L provides an automatic fine screen system that provides 3 mm screening for the treatment system. Assembly is simple. MBR Zone with S&L Flate-Plate Membrane(s) S&L’s durable flat-plate membranes do not bundle or break, unlike hollow fiber types. No maintenance on fibers. No pressurized pumps skids. No air integrity testing, or... Add to cart
Bombas a medida Packaged TITAN MBR™ Membrane Bioreactor Treatment System Packaged TITAN MBR €0.00 TITAN MBR™ provides high oxygen transfer and a stable process tailored to your requirements, and is capable of achieving superior effluent quality and Title 22 approved water reuse. Experience the best O&M of any MBR through quick component access, smart instrumentation, remote data monitoring, reduced process complexity, & streamlined [CIP]... Add to cart
Bombas a medida S&L Modular FAST® Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment System S&L Modular FAST €0.00 • High-quality effluent extends leach field life. • May reduce leach field size requirements. • Handles wide flow variations. Fixed-film FAST® media prevents biomass washout. • Aesthetically pleasing design allows the system to be completely below grade, if desired. • Less expensive than standard pre-fabricated package treatment systems. • The system... Add to cart
Bombas a medida S&L FAST® Fixed Activated Sludge Treatment System S&L FAST €0.00 Flows up to 1,000,000 GPD (3,800 cmd) Higher flows for field-erected systems Models Factory-Built, Field-Erected, Steel & Concrete Design BOD, TSS & Nutrient Removal Proven in Thousands of Applications Globally Stable Process with No Internal Moving Parts Higher Loading Rates – Smaller Footprint Provides High Resistance to Shock Loads Typically No... Add to cart
Bombas a medida TITAN MBR MEM-FRAME™ Membrane Bioreactor TITAN MBR MEM-FRAME €0.00 Best-Available Technology for new treatment plants Superior effluent quality / potential for water reuse Achieve complete nitrification Gravity flow eliminates need for permeate vacuum pumps No recycle between aeration and membrane zones S&L offers significant process experience Add to cart
Bombas a medida TITAN MBR MEM-BOX™ Membrane Bioreactor TITAN MBR MEM-BOX €0.00 TITAN MEM-BOX™ with S&L V-Crimp design TITAN MBR™ Membrane Module(s) PLC controls All required valves and piping Recycle pump Chemical storage tank Air supply for scouring Technical support during design and start-up phases Features & Benefits Literature Installs inside existing structures Engineered and pre-assembled in S&L’s... Add to cart
Bombas a medida TITAN MBR™ Membrane Bioreactor TITAN MBR €0.00 Flows Up to 3 MGD 11,350 cmd Models Packaged and Field-Erected Systems Design BOD, TSS & Nutrient Removal TITAN MBR™ provides high oxygen transfer and a stable process tailored to your requirements, and is capable of achieving superior effluent quality and Title 22 approved water reuse. Experience the best O&M of any MBR through quick component... Add to cart
Bombas a medida TITAN MBR QUBE™ Membrane Bioreactor TITAN MBR QUBE €0.00 Screen S&L provides an automatic fine screen system that provides 3 mm screening for the treatment system. Assembly is simple. MBR Zone with S&L Flate-Plate Membrane(s) S&L’s durable flat-plate membranes do not bundle or break, unlike hollow fiber types. No maintenance on fibers. No pressurized pumps skids. No air integrity testing, or... Add to cart
Bombas a medida QuickSmart™ Controls for TITAN MBR™ QuickSmart Controles para TITAN MBR™ €0.00 Delivering simplified operation yet powerful TITAN MBR™ control, QUICKSMART™ System Controls provide unparalleled ability to monitor and adjust all of your treatment system functions, including: Troubleshooting support comes standard with new I/O Status screen that displays controller digital and analog I/O status. Maintenance Log - Displays recommended... Add to cart
Bombas a medida PISTA® TURBO™ Grit Washer Retrofit PISTA® TURBO €0.00 Flows up to 500 GPM (32 lps) Design Shaftless screw w/ triple washing action Why a Grit Washer? Increasing Landfill Restrictions and Disposal Costs Growing Concerns About Odor and Disease-Carrying Insects Opportunity to Reuse/Sell Cleaned Grit for Road Bedding Planning for Stricter Environmental Regulations in United States Features & Benefits... Add to cart
Bombas a medida PISTA® Works™ Grit Removal System Retrofit PISTA® Works™ Grit Removal System Retrofit €0.00 Model Max. Flow 0.5B 0.5 MGD (1,890 cmd) 1.0B 1.0 MGD (3,785 cmd) 2.5B 2.5 MGD (9,460 cmd) 4.0B 4.0 MGD (15,140 cmd) 7.0B 7.0 MGD (26,500 cmd) Package Components ANSI flanged connections Influent trough with slide gate OBEX™ Spiral Fine Screen, down to 3mm Manual Bypass Bar Screen PISTA® 360™ Grit Chamber with patented V-FORCE BAFFLE™ PISTA® TURBO™ Grit... Add to cart
Bombas a medida PISTA® PRO-PAK™ Grit Removal System Retrofit Pista® PRO-PAK €0.00 Package Components PISTA® TURBO™ Grit Pump, Control System, Weather-protected Retractable Fiberglass Enclosure, Heater (optional), DURO-LAST® Stainless Steel Baseplate (Optional) Speedy installation at the job site Environmental protection for top-mounted PISTA® TURBO™ Grit Pump Alternative to building a housing structure, at a fraction of the total cost... Add to cart
Bombas a medida OPTIFLOW 270® Baffle System Retrofit OPTIFLOW 270 €0.00 The key to grit removal excellence is a flat chamber floor design and forced vortex operation. With the OPTIFLOW 270® STF any sloped floor vortex system can now be converted into a flat floor. The OPTIFLOW 270® is making higher grit removal efficiencies an any 270 degree forced vortex grit chamber a reality. Capacities up to 100 MGD (378,500 cmd)... Add to cart
Bombas a medida PISTA® Grit Screw Conveyor Retrofit PISTA® Grit Screw Conveyor Retrofit €0.00 The PISTA® Grit Screw Conveyor is available in 2 sizes: Model 15 & Model 17. Flows up to 500 GPM (32 lps) Design Shaftless Screw Add to cart